Sunday, March 14, 2010

a sad day in freetown

after FIVE years with WMF in freetown, faye is shipping out tonight. i've known about this day for a long time now, but it really seems to have come too quickly. i'm excited for the adventures that await my friend, but i am heartbroken all the same. faye unexpectedly became a very pivotal friend in my life. her loyalty is unmatched, and i will miss her dearly.

the photo is of us on halloween (obviously), she is a flapper and i am carmen miranda (obviously). a lot of fun memories with this pretty lady.

so, as faye departs, i am faced with a new responsibility to communicate. my aunt jamie sent an e-mail to faye requesting that she urge me to start writing on my blog more often. without faye writing about it, how will my family ever know what is happening in my life?! and maybe faye has a few friends who would still like to know what is happening over here... i guess i owe it to you all to speak up every now and then.

so that is what i hope to do. i think i can spare an hour a week to make it happen.

be thinking of faye as she makes her transition. it will be a big one!